Sunday, January 20, 2008

This years Interior Trip

Our group of 8 is looking at the Petawawa River for our trip this August.

has anyone done this one? Comments please!

tentative Schedule

Day one - Get transportation from the outfitters to Access point #23. Paddling - 10K. No portages. Camp on Lake Travers. Easy day (except for the travel time)

Day two - 8K paddling. Portages 315, 165, 130, 425, 1580*
*We will stay on the 1580 portage. There are 2 site to choose from. Camp on Crooked Chute Rapids.
Total Portages = 1825 (if we do half the 1580)

Day three - 10K Paddling. Portages 120, 820, 275, 250, 135, 160, 2305*
*We will stay on the 2305 portage. There are 2 sites available. Camp on Schooner Rapids
Total Portages = 3702 (including half the 1580 and half the 2305

Day four - 6K Paddling. Portages 1400, 3400*
*We will stay o the 3400 portage. There are 4 sites available.. Camp on Fivemile Rapids
Total Portages = 4252 (including half of the 2305 and half of the 3400)

Day five - 8K Paddling. Portages only one 500. Camp on Smith Lake
Total Portages - 2200 (including half of the 3400)

Day six - 5K paddle out. Portages one 90

For the trip
Total paddling - 37K with the current of the river
Total portage - 11,979


Anonymous said...

I personally haven't done the trip but have talked to a lot of people who have due to me working @ AO in reservations last summer. My suggestion would be to forgoe the transport and use one vehicle that was left @ McManus to shuttle you back up to Travers. It will be cheaper in the long run. I have an email into AO for you regarding costs of transportation. You would need to rent ABS fully rigged canoes. Do you have experience in white water? I'll let you know as far as transport costs when I find out however it was around $250 last year one way to McManus and Travers is farther. I'll get back to you!

Anonymous said...

Algonquin outfitters doesn't do transport anymore to the Petawawa. Gord my colleague recommended either using your own vehicles (its a 50 minute drive to Travers from McManus) or call Algonquin Portage: 613-735-1795 or Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

With that many people, you should not need an outfitter unless you are renting the canoes. Drop the gear, and do a two car run to leave one at the final take out. It's probably about a 1 hour drive or so each way, but it will save you a few hundred.